Monday, July 7, 2008

What should be the choice of research of a Computer Science student?

What should be our choice?

Having a course of Computer Science or Information Technology, I, as a student of such course will say that the topic of the research that would be made should be address related to the course taken. Making research with the topics about information technology and the like will help the students gain more knowledge and enhance their abilities on the matter. Making research to other areas is not prohibited but also it should be interrelated to the IT or Computer Science.

Research would be a great help not only to the students but also to the organization they belong and to the government, especially in the our country. Like what have Sir Randy Gamboa discussed hours ago, we could make research about agriculture but with IT in it. Why not? Maybe we could discover and invent a solution about the rice shortage issue ("daw") in the our country. An automated rice production maybe? But the question is 'How?'. To know the answer, let's make a research and look for rich funding agency! Let us make sure that we have lot of funds in making the research because it is expensive for sure.

So, let us make research and discover!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Library and the Internet: tools of research

In making research, resources are very important. We look for resources in the library and internet. We could also gather information and data for additional resources by the use of questionnnaires or by interviewing a particular person.

In a traditional way, library is most commonly use since it is one of the oldest tools of research. According to, "A library is a collection of information, sources, resources, and services: it is organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution, or a private individual. In the more traditional sense, a library is a collection of books." Not only books, but different variety of books. We could find many types of books with different contents in the lines of shelves in the library.

And libraries are easy to be found and go to. There are academic libraries located in the colleges/universities. Public and private libraries, corporate or government could also be in good use in conducting research. The Research libraries are intended for supporting scholarly research, and therefore maintain permanent collections and attempt to provide access to all necessary material which could be the most suitable libraries for researchers.

Nowadays, many libraries are now expanding their teritory with the help of electronics. Library assistants are still can be found in the libraries eventhough some libraries are being modernized. Modern in the sense that, the collection does not focus only on books but on media for storing of information. According to wikipedia, "Many libraries are now also repositories and access points for maps, prints, or other documents and artworks on various storage media such as microform (microfilm/microfiche), audio tapes, CDs, LPs, cassettes, videotapes, and DVDs. Libraries may also provide public facilities to access CD-ROMs, subscription databases, and the Internet."Some libraries now have virtual library. In where you could browse for topics in the internet with the help of search engines.

Here are some Internet Research tools that could help us in our research using the internet:

Search Engines
AltaVista Advanced Query
Ask Jeeves
Northern Light
Open Directory Project
Starting Point

Usenet Searches
Google Groups

Mailing Lists
Publicly Accessible Mailing Lists (PAML)

Phone Books
Internet 800 Search
Yellow Pages
Try these tools to help you in your research projects.