Thursday, September 4, 2008

Can Research be Done in 22 Days?

Could it be possible?

I am enrolled in a subject CS Research this semester and we are required to make a research proposal for the whole semester. But only 22 days left for me to be able to finish and submit my research work. Can I do it with that span of time?

I am Superb if I could do it... hahaha!

I think for my own good and for me to pass the subject, I will take any privilages that comes my ways in order to complete my tasks before my research deadline. I think I can do it. With the 15 pages of research paper, with the 75 or above reading about my topic plus the related issues and literatures plus the surveys and online searches...

Hmmm....I think I can do it...

Resources for research are available everywhere. the only thing that lacks is funding. money, money, money....that's always the issue in doing research. Financial funding...

But I am determined to finish my research and pass the said subject.

I am superb and I can do it!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

To be or Not To be Judge

I've been a young mother just lately. At the age of 20, and in that age I found out that such responsibility is truly not a joke and should be seriously taken. I accepted reality that I have now obligations not only in myself but to my child and to his father. I was never turned down by my family and friends since they have understood the situation.

But I have a question, why does women younger than my age got pregnant so early? should they be judge by the society? Or the society should help them understand the consequences of being young parents? What do you think?