Today, many research journals are increasingly being published in electronic formats with the help of electronic publishers like ACM, IEEE, CSP, etc. it is because of the rapid growth of new technology. But in some point, there are some issues why scholars do publish their research in web journals.
Cultural factor
Since our world is now in digital, many people and readers mostly going online. Thus, this motivates researchers/scholars to publish their paperwork on the web. Since traditional scientific publishing is too time and budget costly because researcher would have to looked for funding; and undergo several reviews for acknowledgments and promotions for their paperwork. Write-only research journals are widely in the making and spreading electronically. Readers of traditionally written research papers lessen which results the downfall of traditional scientific publishing. Because of this, librarians have to strengthen their resources and compete with the new technology (electronic journals) to maintain their role as information specialists. Thus, the same with the scholars, to cope with the fast track of technology they too have to go with the new trends; publish their work online.
Economic Factor
Publishing research in journal system is also payable but less than the cost offered by the publishers. Online pricing are according to how significant the paper would be; and on what is the capability of the researcher to pay for the work. When you published your paper online, it is depending on the value, you would agree into licensing activity though there is also for free. On the other hand, pricing of electronic research journals is negotiable nowadays. Republishing the paper work also is one of the problems of most researchers. Having the paper republished would require reprint fees for copies for educational use. Other publishers also make options to new journal model like the “pay-per-view” to offer to the researchers. Once the paper is being viewed online there will be a charge for such activity. Again, the publishers have gained profit and increase their revenues. Another bundle of money for them! But in on line publishing, surely the researcher could expense less and assure that many could view the knowledgeable work.
Technological factor
Publishing paper with new technology is now more practical and widely being used. As digital materials grow rapidly, usage of it is also increasing. Electronic formats of research journals are continuously propagate. But in some aspect, online publishing cause disagreement between scholars and librarian at some points. Publishers apply different types of content on line to catch attention and interests; electronic versions are made more attractive than printed ones to appeal to varying reading communities. Online journals do not have the same quality of content like in the ones published in the library. But the advantage of electronic publishing is that its searchability; links to references are provided. Electronic journal publishers offers irresistible publishing price, and published online versions of research articles earlier than the print ones. And yet, there is an assurance that the research journals can be widely access by any potential readers. That is for sure.
In the above mentioned factors, the truth is still inevitable that technology grows rapidly in every second; and later overpowers the traditional system. Thus, in publishing our research paper, we should choose publishers that can assure us that our journal can be read and spread over different reading communities. It doesn’t matter if we published it for free but what matters is we shared the new knowledge to other people; and we should assure that we can benefit from the rice that we harvest.