The article I have found in the internet is about the state of computer science research in India. And on how the researches have been a big help in India's technological and economic progress. The researches have been organized by some educational research institutions, funded and sponsored by the government, and some are made by private organizations. The author listed the researchers that belong in the said institutions, from the government and private organizations; and which area in computer science they made their research. Researchers are sometimes collaborated with other countries like US. Some researchers do such because of isolation since the area of research is widely spreading with less resources. Some make an abroad-based research to broaden their research area coverage. According to author, "India is one of just half a dozen countries to have successfully built and deployed their own satellites and launch vehicles. These accomplishments indicate that there is excellent potential for high-caliber research."
Maybe he is right. India today is really fast growing in their technology, health, business and foreign affairs. A fact from the BBC News says that India is in fourth place of fast economic growing country in spite of their large population. Because of the impressive researches made, multinational investors arrived in India. Foreign investors established call centers and manufacturing industries which helped the employment substantiality. According to BBC News site, "The success of hi-tech industries in particular has seen large numbers of overseas Indians return, in what has been described as a "brain gain". They are part of growing middle class, which is seen as a potentially vast domestic market."
But inspite of the fast growing economy, research funding is the number one problem in research industries. Funding agencies in India demands more industry oriented research but somehow lack of funds. The researchers are not equally funded. Large research group may get the big amount and the small group research may get just little support. Isn't it fair? Yes. The funding of research should be equalized and the researchers involved in such should be accountable to the funding agency they are under. Receiving not enough fund and compensation can make the researchers unable to work properly. Thus, this make research not helpful rather hurtful. Making research is sure very expensive. So, if we plan to make a research, we sure should have lot of money to fund our work.
The technical topics discussed in the article are about: Artificial Intelligence, Multimedia and Robotics, Space and Advance research, software technologies development, programming technologies, networking, compiler technologies and databases.