- Analytical Framework Analysis
1.1 Interpretation of Variables
1.2 Preparation of problem outline - Choosing of Research Collaborator
2.1 Letter of Request and Approval - Formulation of Research Instrument
- Submission of Research Instrument to the Forum Committee
4.1 For Corrections and Suggestions
4.2 For Validation and Approval - Data Gathering through through the Research Instrument
5.1 Informing the Respondents
5.2 Letter of Request for distribution of Research Instrument
5.3 Distribution of Research Instrument - Tabulation, Analysis and Interpretation of Gathered Information
*Working days and date to the tasks listed above are not included.
Outline of Proposed Research Budgetplan
Tasks Budget Amount
Transportation Php 1,000
Internet Fees Php 250
Printing and Photocopy Php 250
Meetings and Consultations Php 1,000
?Snacks Php 500
Total Budget Amount Php 3,000
*Changes to the proposed budget amount are possible and are negotiable.
The above information are the proposed work and budget plan for the research proposal.
To God be the Glory. GBUA!