Monday, July 21, 2008

Good or Not: How can we know?

How do we know if a piece of research work is good or not? how are they evaluated?

The most important factor to consider in a research work is that the researcher support the problem and statements in his/her research. When the research paper is read by other people and they are satisfied with what they read and how the research came up to a positive or negative result, then the research is satisfactory. And on how the statements in the research are being validated by the researcher. Also it is important that the grammar and presentation of the paper is accurate and concise, and is very clear and understandable. Technicalities are present in research paper writing, so the researcher must know how to relate the technical words to its readers for them to understand.

According to, from the "Syllabus: RESEARCH PAPER EVALUATION SYSTEM:
-Thesis and Introduction (10 points)
-Overall Organization (10 points)
-Support and Development (20 points)
-Logic and Thinking Skills (20 points)
-Grammar and Usage (20 points)
-Style (10 points)
-Presentation (10 points)"
I think these are the standard points to be consider when evaluating a research paper. Also, it might be possible that the judges or reader of the research paper will make their own judgment based on their standards of evaluation when they read research, books, and other papers. And most of all, the interest and the heart of the researcher must be and reflect on the research work being done.

For more information, you can visit the link below;,

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