Tuesday, September 16, 2008

VoIP Technology in the Philippines

The Philippines like no other nations, is a country manage to adhere with the fast evolution of technology even though it belongs to the third world of underdeveloped countries. It was just in recent times that VoIP was introduced in the Philippines.

In May of 2006, a deregulation bill was passed and was approved to the House of Representatives according on the site (www.voipcentral.org/entry/house-passes-voip-deregulation-bill-in-the-philippines/). The bill indicates that VoIP has been accepted and widely spreading in the country.

In September of the same year, MozCom released a product integrated with VoIP services which was known as ‘VCall’ according on the site (http://www. blogcrm.com/voip-in-the-philippines-killer-dude.php). Mozcom is the Philippines’ very first commercial ISP (Internet Service Provider), and received the license to operate VoIP service in August 2006 from the National Telecommunications Commission. The product integrates a web casting technology. In order to use the VoIP service, a user account must be established in http://www.vcall.ph/ site.

SMART communication, as one of the leading GSM network in the country has been engaged to VoIP to widen its communication service. According to Alec Barton in May 2006, SMART chooses Nortel’s international gateway solution to offer a wireless VoIP services to its consumer in the country and abroad. The gateway solution will increase the bandwidth efficiency and widen the network’s geographical contact (www.developingtelecoms.com/content/view/430/26).

VoIP technology in the country works in the contact or call center industry; to promote better solution in attend to the customer’s concerns. According to Roberto L. Bacasong, a Customer Interaction Associate which is locally known as ‘call center agent’, “It is no doubt that the Philippines is one of the leaders in using VoIP services, as the country is known to be the key leaders in outsourcing.” (http://ezinearticles.com/?VoIP-Technologies-in-the-Philippines&id=707232)

Call center industry is quite spreading in the country and yet the same with VoIP technology. Sooner, VoIP services would be widely applied in home and businesses in the Philippines.

1 comment:

N and Y said...

Yes your article is correct. Now I'll some inputs in the technical aspect. We have all these devices/apps around. But without a reliable Internet connection, the end-users and callers abroad will be frustrated and eventually stop using. Internet connection is the most common problem. Therefore, the product must also be able to support the end-users with their Internet connection problem. US-based products can't provide the support unless it's a Philippine-based product like MagicBox.PH SIP-in-a-box. They can coordinate with Philippine ISPs. Check MagicBox.PH for more info.